In the depths of these unfortunate albeit good weathered times, we find ourselves on the move again. Unfortunately the Appalachian Trail is still not an option. Most states along the trail, except for the northern seven, have seen surges in cases within the past month or less. We wondered how we could safely return to nature while ensuring social distancing. We decided the best way to continue our adventure would be a canoe trip down the Connecticut River. Figuring that the waterway will be less crowded then any long distance trail we pick, we will be able to cross 4 states off our list from the safety of our canoe. We are excited to view the river’s industrial past and present in the form of it’s many towns, mills, dams, reservoirs, canals, and bridges. We will soon be heading to the headwaters along the New Hampshire/Canada border to make our month long paddle south to Long Island Sound. We are confident that our sturdy pair of wheels will make portaging the river’s many dams a breeze. As we refill our hiking packs and pick up some newly needed items (paddles, life jackets, solar panel, dry-bags) stay tuned for Part 2 of our 2020 Adventure: The views from the water are sure to be worth it.